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More patient testimonials

"I put off this surgery for 2 years knowing that the recovery might put me out of commission for weeks possibly a month. Dr. McClelland tried to assure me that was not the case with his SILS technique. My family convinced me it had to be done to relieve all my terrible symptoms.

I am 1 week post op today! I am sitting at my home desk working as though nothing has happened. My abdomen feels fantastic. There was very little swelling and all my uncomfortable aches were handled by ibuprofen. I took 1 pain pill while in the hospital overnight that is it! I am the newest poster child for the SILS technique. Thank you Dr. McClelland!" 

"I had a SILS hysterectomy 1 1/2 weeks ago. I was shocked at how good I felt so quickly! The second day I was home, I no longer needed any pain medication including ibuprofen. Dr. McCelland handled the entire process professionally and confidently. I felt like I was in very good hands!" 

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